Why Should My Business Have a Technology Strategy?

by | May 16, 2018 | News

Creating a Technology Strategy

A technology strategy is a long-term roadmap that describes how a business will evolve its technology infrastructure and technology acquisitions to improve overall business development and investment returns. The primary element of a technology strategy is driven by the needs of the business, so it should align with business objectives.

Most companies incorporate a complex array of technologies that must work together. This includes network, infrastructure, cloud, mobility, security, and IoT, which challenge executives and decision makers to stay on top of a constantly shifting landscape.

Gaining a clear picture of your IT Landscape

It is important for businesses to understand not only what technology they are implementing but why they are implementing it and understanding the best options for continued growth. Do your executives have a clear understanding of the IT infrastructure or other technology in use? It’s easy to lose sight of things until problems begin popping up, but at that point it may be too late.

Aligning IT with Business Objectives

While technology may have been a luxury in the past, IT has become an integral part of the way companies run. Having IT align with your long-term business plans is crucial to the success of your organization. IT Directors are asked to solve business problems with technology, but they may not understand the business reason. Executives should work with IT to come up with solutions that meets the needs of their customers, employees and business.

Accelerating Digital Transformation

Rapid advancements in technology including IoT devices, automation, artificial intelligence, and Big Data have impacted all industries. However, incorporating new technology must be done in a strategic and prioritized way that will fundamentally change the way you operate and do business. Many companies struggle to roll out, adopt, or keep up with IT acquisitions.

Keeping up with Security Threats

Each new device attached to your network represents another attack vector, and it only takes one device to compromise an entire network, disrupt business operations, or have a disastrous impact to the business. These threats are not just a technology issue; they are a business risk, and companies must be aware of the latest security measures to defend against modern cyberattacks.

Improving Network Efficiency

Many companies today are running on IT solutions that were not architected to easily adapt to rapidly changing technologies and business demands. Your business needs will change over time and companies should build a network that is ready for growth and digital transformation. CIO’s face increasing demands to improve network up-time and efficiency. Is your network ready to meet the challenge?

Investing in Technology That Drives ROI

Companies need to make continuous investments in IT to gain operational efficiencies and improve customer service, yet many fail to see a return on their investments. Adopting new technology is one thing, but how can you ensure that your investments will create a measurable return? You don’t want to solve a long-term problem with a short-term solution. Profitable growth can be seen when IT investments are aligned with a company’s capabilities and needs while being supported by the right operating model and implementation skills.

Creating a Strategy for Success

Interactive Discovery: The first step is to discover your current state. Stakeholders should discuss current processes and technology use. What is the current state of your technology, what is used, how is it used, and how does it align with business needs?

Focused Evaluation: Stakeholders should then identify the health status of IT infrastructure to pinpoint areas of concern and systems at high risk. Then, incorporate the goals of the business – what’s not currently in place that is desired?

Technology Strategy:  Once you know where you are and what you need, your team can create a roadmap and timeline to correct high-risk and potential-risk issues and implement new initiatives.

Not sure how to begin? 

ZAG Technical Services developed the 360° Technology Strategy Review to help organizations create a thorough strategy for moving your business forward.  Learn more by watching the video below.

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